
Educate and free your mind


Angela Davenport - Life Coach

Angela is a very spiritual being. She’s a life coach and so much more. If you want to unpick you and find out more about the inner workings of yourself. Angela is very much the go to person. I can say from first hand experience. She knows her shit!

IG: angela_davenport_coaching



Twelve Scholars

A Learning platform for leadership development. Offering a physical journal for learning, Online resources while you’re on the go and everything else you may think. Twelve have it covered.

IG: twelvescholars



Full Focus Planner

For me this is one of the best planners on the market today, well at least until i write my own.

If you want to achieve your goals, this weill help you do it by focusing you on whats important and basically getting shit done!

IG: fullfocusplanner



Mind Journal

Blokes don’t tend to talk about feelings and emotions. Here’s something that helps us connect to our feelings. It’s hard when you bottle your emotions up. Writing in a journal certainly helps do just that.

Don’t keep it in, let it out

IG: mindjournal